Palo Alto Firewall Under Attack by Zombies!

Palo Alto Networks provides various security features and functionalities in their firewall products to help protect against zombie or botnet activity. While they may not specifically refer to it as "Anti-Zombie," their firewalls offer several capabilities that can help mitigate the risk of botnet infections and control compromised devices. Here are some features that Palo Alto Firewalls typically provide:


1. Threat Prevention

2. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

3. URL Filtering

4. DNS Sinkholing

5. Threat Intelligence Integration

6. Behavioral Analysis

The list above is great, but its interesting to me that Paloalto as custom reports that show possible Bot traffic on your network. It's worth noting that the specific features and capabilities can vary depending on the Palo Alto Firewall model and software version. 

To Configure a Botnet Reports try the following:

  Define the types of traffic that indicate possible botnet activity.

1.     Select Monitor > Botnet and click Configuration on the right side of the page.

2.      Enable and define the Count for each type of HTTP Traffic that the report will include.

The Count values represent the minimum number of events of each traffic type that must occur for the report to list the associated host with a higher confidence score (higher likelihood of botnet infection). If the number of events is less than the Count, the report will display a lower confidence score or (for certain traffic types) won’t display an entry for the host. For example, if you set the Count to three for Malware URL visit, then hosts that visit three or more known malware URLs will have higher scores than hosts that visit less than three. For details, see Interpret Botnet Report Output.

3.      Define the thresholds that determine whether the report will include hosts associated with traffic involving Unknown TCP or Unknown UDP applications.

4.     Select the IRC check box to include traffic involving IRC servers.

5.     Click OK to save the report configuration.

Once the report is complete, you will hopefully see nothing on your network :)

Confidence ranks from 1-5.

5 = high confidence of infection.

In conclusion, set up your reports .. end of the story.

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