GlobalProtect - MSI Deployment

GlobalProtect- MSI Deployment

As promised I created the MSI deployment post.

You will learn how to deploy GlobalProtect via a batch file inside a Microsoft environment.

Things you will need beforehand:
1.       Have a login script created via GPO
2.       Download the MSI via the portal.
a.       View my post on how to disable the portal for security reason.

OK let’s begin –

What the script doing:

  1.  @ECHO OFF 
    1. In this section we are telling the cmd to hide the code while its running.
    2. your turn this one by applying the @ECHO ON or removing the line.
  2. if exist "%TEMP%\" goto exit
    1. if the file exist in the following path, please go to the exit label.
  3. set GP="\\path-to-msi\GlobalProtect.msi"
    1. define the location of the msi. make sure that the users can reach the destination.
  4. msiexec /i %GP% CONNECTMETHOD="pre-logon" PRELOGON="1" PORTAL="IP" 
    1. Run the msiexec.exe program and run the defined variable we defined as %GP% or our msi. Then you are telling the MSI that its going to be a pre-logon mode with the CONNECTMETHOD="pre-logon" 
    2. After this, we want to add a reg entry to the machine so we add the PRELOGON="1" as the value of the reg entry. In other words, 1 for on and 0 for off.
      1. reg value location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanSetup
  5. ::Hidden File section
    1. we are creating a hidden file. This will prevent the script from running over and over again. This must match your "if exist" statement.
  6. :exit
    1. this is our exit label that will allow the script to jump out if the file exist.

Notes: you can enable the msg command by removing the "::" comment.

You will need to know what method you will be deploying (pre-logon, on-demand, etc.) as this will affect the script.

Once that has been confirmed use the following bat file to deploy the MSI to the company.
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: By: AzNetAdmin
:: Date: 10/11/2018
:: .Synopsis
::                             Installing Palo Alto Global Protect MSI
:: .Description
::                             Deploying GP via Msiexec and Customizing the agent settings.
:: .Notes
::             Troubleshooting
::                             start "" "C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\GlobalProtect\PanGPSupport.exe"
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if exist "%TEMP%\" goto exit

::Install MSI
set GP="\\path-to-msi\GlobalProtect.msi"

::msiexec /i %GP% CONNECTMETHOD="on-demand" PORTAL="IP" CANCHANGEPORTAL="no" /qn

::Hidden File
echo @_@ >> "%TEMP%\"
attrib +h "%TEMP%\"
echo %date% %Username% >>"\\path-to-msi-log\log.txt"

::msg %username% /TIME:2 Global Protect have been installed. Thank you %username%!


Don’t forget to make your log.txt writable via NTF permissions.

If you like to modify the MSI script with new settings:

visit the following page:

Thank you,

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